
New York City LawSpace for lease to lawyers looking to share space
New York City LawSpace for sublease - next to Carnegie Hall
Three offices available to lease from law firm located near Central Park. Furnished for your quick move in. Start your practice or locate your practice in a great area. Lawyers: you have choices: Partner's office with two large windows, internal office and corner office with three large windows is available.
Practice law and share space with civil rights and criminal defense firm lcoated on the 8th floor in elegant Carnegie hall Tower. This is a Class A luxury office building located at 152 West 57th Street.
All services (telephone service and answering, reception, copying, internet, conference facilities, refreshments) included. Near Central Park, numerous subway lines, Time-Warner Center. Contact Theresa or Siduri, at (212) 752-7600, or, at the Law Offices of Joel B. Rudin, P.C.