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Interview with Larry Port of Rocket - Elaine M. Russell attorney and founder of

Tech and Legal - A Great Marriage For Saving Time and Money

Not only are in-house legal departments looking to technology solutions for assistance to become more efficient, but "small law" seeks technology solutions that work.  Anything that maximizes efficiency and reduces the time lawyers spend on administrative work allows us more time to focus on the substantive legal work.  Now that is value added.

Check out the podcast interview by Larry Port of  Rocket Matter  with founder and attorney, Elaine M. Russell.

Everything from billing software to task/case management solutions,  law firms need to improve efficiency.  Companies providing technology to manage legal matters from start to finish are on the rise.  And law firms are taking note.   For instance, almost one-half of solo practitioners use|e&_ad=310362391881|1t1|c&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzOvj9vSM4wIVRbnACh2cAg9NEAAYASAAEgLZSvD_BwE  for storing legal data and files. 

Law firms and solo practitioners need every edge soak the most results from working each day.  The adminstrative tasks eat up many valuable hours of the day and tools range from complex to simple.  Most lawyers do not use the full scope of options in any software management system.   Lawyers simply don't have the time to learn about all the "bells and whistles".

LawSpaceMatch founder, Elaine M. Russell made it simple for connecting lawyers needing to rent space from each other. At, this legal niche platform was created by lawyers to assist lawyers across the nation save time when renting an empty law office to another lawyer.  By connecting lawyers seeking LawSpace with law firms needing to rent an office, time and money is saved.   It's an easy and inexpensive way to rent a law office to a lawyer in transition.