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Tips for Getting New Clients

Tips for Getting New Clients


According to a survey conducted by Thomson Reuters Solo and Small Law Firm group, the biggest challenge for solo and small firm law practices is acquiring new clients.   Here are some tips for getting new clients.


 1.            Network, Network, Network!          


Attend conferences and networking events. Join a bar association, professional organization or committee.  Reach out to other lawyers, but also connect with non-lawyers who work in the same field as you.  Let your family, friends and acquaintances know about your practice and specialties.  Besides networking in person, be sure to network online too.  Do whatever you can to get the word out about your practice.  Part of networking may derive from sharing law space with other lawyers.  After all,  they are right next door to your office and may not practice in the area of law in which you are an expert.


2.            Establish and Maintain an Online Presence


Establish a professional website for your law practice. Create a social media account on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook or Avvo.  Continually update and participate in social media like contributing to Avvo forums or posting tweets about legal matters. Start a legal blog that provides helpful information your target audience is interested in.  You can link your blog posts to your Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter account.


3.             Referrals


Maintain relationships with past clients and inform them of all the services your law practice provides. Referrals can also come from other attorneys.  Attorneys who work in a shared office space can recommend potential clients.  Sharing an office space with other attorneys provides many benefits like a strong attorney network, shared resources (printers, wi-fi, conference rooms etc.), reduced rent and a focused work environment.


4.            Karma is Real


Just because a particular client isn’t a good fit for your practice doesn’t mean they’re not a good fit for someone else’s.  Don’t be afraid to refer a client you wouldn’t normally take to other practices.  Who knows, maybe other attorneys just met with someone that would benefit more from your area of expertise.

