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Increase Your Law Firm's Marketing Visibility

Are you looking for ways to market your law firm to future clients? Read on for some ideas to boost your law firm's visibility. 1. Create a Logo Design or Branding Sign for your Law Firm ...


We all need New Clients....Here are some tips

According to a survey conducted by Thomson Reuters Solo and Small Law Firm group, the biggest challenge for solo and small firm law practices is acquiring new clients. Here are some tips for gettin...


Creative Attorney Space Sharing Arrangements

With the road paved for sharing office space, attorneys seek options for finding suitable space with great amenities and a place for exchanging expertise with other like-minded professionals. A typ...


Lawyers Sharing Space - Benefits and Responsibilities

Atlanta lawyers are subleasing with other lawyers and entering into law space sharing arrangements. The Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct do not prohibit attorneys from sharing office space. Wi...